Tuesday, January 12

TJEd Presentation

This morning I had the opportunity to wake up early and present some information on the Thomas Jefferson Education book by Oliver DeMille. It was a pretty incredible read and study. I was able to look through the George Wythe University site briefly, which supplied me with some information that I found to be gem-worthy. I did not put it in the slide presentation. It's called the "5-4-3-C" foundation, which intrigued me. It stands for The 5 pillars, 4 mentors, 3 fundamentals and Community.

Basically, The 5 Pillars of Statesmanship are:
  1. Classics
  2. Mentors
  3. Simulations
  4. Field Experience
  5. God
In any given classroom, there are 4 mentors present:
  1. The instructor
  2. The work they are studying
  3. other students
  4. God
The three fundamentals of GWU are:
  1. Read
  2. Write
  3. Discuss
And lastly, Community:

Community is simply the belief that students should be well rounded, thinking of other students, lending assistance, reaching out where one knows more than another and so forth.

I hope you enjoy the presentation. For any more information, there's the book "A Thomas Jefferson Education" by Oliver DeMille, and the website of George Wythe University.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What was this presentation for? Where did you present it? How did it go?