Saturday, September 13

Giving Up vs Trying Harder

I'm at a stand still. I have a choice to make about a relationship I'm in. This happens to many of us when we don't know whether to give up or try harder. Where's the line? What do we look out for? How do we know which direction to pick?

I did some thinking about this and came up with the following idea...

When you feel unhappy about some situation in your life, you have three choices. You can:
  1. Give up (Change everything)
  2. Endure (Change nothing)
  3. Try Harder (Change something)
If you choose to give up (change everything), you're looking at an overhaul and a lot of emotional grief as you let go of different aspects of the situation. Giving up isn't always wrong as we've been lead to believe. Giving up is actually often quite right - in fact we must give up on almost EVERYTHING ELSE we do in order to do ANY ONE THING. If we choose to do the dishes, we choose NOT to go to the store, go out dancing, write a book etc etc... Everything else, other than the one thing we want to do must be given up on for the time being, because we can ONLY do one thing at a time. So giving up isn't wrong, it just comes with consequences - be prepared for the emotional, spiritual, economical, and physical consequences.

Enduring is probably the most painful because it requires us to wait on someone or something else outside of ourselves to make the change for us. This may or may not ever happen, and that's just a fact. If we choose not to change anything, we have to be willing to go with what ever happens, in the order that it happens, when ever that happens. It can catch us off guard when something changes and have us feeling like a victim, like it's happening TO us simply because we have chosen not to act. The grief can often feel more intense when we are not choosing our own actions, because it catches us unaware not on our terms. Enduring isn't wrong, just don't expect the desired outcome to ever actually happen without some action on your part. 

So let's get one thing straight about trying harder. Is "trying harder" going to give you the results you want if you just do the same thing over and over expecting different results? No. That's what enduring is. If you insist on doing the SAME THING over and over, without being OPEN to any input, change or evolution, you are NOT GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING, and are therefore just enduring. So what is trying harder? Trying harder is two things - 1. A constant search for a new tool, habit, system or idea which might solve the situation (outside input) 2. Actually implementing those new tools, habits, systems or ideas. Keep trying new things and being open to feedback, input and education - you'll find something that works eventually. 

When is it ok to Give Up? 
When is it ok to Endure? 
When is it ok to Try Harder? 


Kotarah said...

Woah - it sounds like everything is so excitedly complicated for you right now! I totally get what you're getting at, though. There were times where Ryan and I were really, really roughing it, and I thought we weren't going to make it. I even broke up with him at one point, which tore my head to shreds. Ultimately, what it came down to, for me, was to weight out what I could and couldn't put up with. Was all the pain that he put me through during that time worth it? Could I see an end? And when I didn't, I had chosen to move on. Though, we haven't really fought since I got back together with him after we broke up. Enduring is a difficult process. There are so many outer voices that say that it should be easy. Just do what feels right. :) Miss you, love you, and hope to talk to you soon.

Gaddian said...

Yeah, thanks. I think that makes a lot of sense. I like that you two are happy now - It's really cool to see. :) <3