Saturday, March 11

New day....

Well, a new day has come...

I am awfully tired. I don't want to move, I am just exhausted even though the day is only in the beginning stretches. I haven't DONE anything to make myself tired! A little frustrating, to be sure.

Something funny this morning: my dog (who is NOT by any means allowed on the furniture) was calmly chilaxing on the sofa just soaking up the comfort until I entered the room. She knows she's not allowed on the furniture but she sat on that thing like she owned it. I didn't want to get upset and move her but rules are rules. It was adorable.
This is my flying dog....

Last night He called. I don't know what to do. I suppose I should call him back. I am not really in the mood, or I mean I don't feel prepared or ready to face what ever it is that he called about. Sad to say, but true. I feel almost trapped by the fact that he called. That is cruel, but I don't know how else to say it.
I told him that I didn't want to get "involved" with him right now and so he took it to mean that I want to get involved with as many people as possible in order for me to find out that he really is the one for me. But, I guess I didn't do a good enough job explaining, because I don't want to date ANYONE right now. He's a great guy, and I love him, but I don't want a relationship right now. I mean come on! I am 17! I don't need that kind of complication right now.
So I feel trapped. Should I call him? Or would it seem like I was leading him on to call him? I feel great just being friends, but it never seems to stop there for anyone else I witness in this situation. It's either boyfriend-girlfriend, or nadda. Hooked up, or zilch. There seems to be no "in-between, let's just be friends". So I am caught. I'd love to talk to him, but I doubt it will be without a word of "I love you" from him. I don't want him to love me like that. Not now. I don't want that yet. I'm 17!! I haven't lived life yet! Argh...

Oh well, I am sure something good will come of this and I'll live.

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